Sitescan 250





This user’s guide has been designed so that a person with a good knowledge of the basics of
ultrasonic non-destructive testing may understand the operation and use of the features
offered by the Sitescan 250. The user is advised, however, of the important nature of
ultrasonic non-destructive testing and is referred to Section 2 for important information on
the proper use of this technology.

Features of the Sitescan 250

The Sitescan 250 is a user-friendly ultrasonic digital flaw detector and thickness gauge,
which is simple to use and provides the experienced ultrasonic operator with a full-function
device that incorporates many productivity enhancing features. All of the features of the
Sitescan 250 are accessed through a menu system using the front panel keypad.
9.1 Functional Testing Methods
The Sitescan 250 supports the following ultrasonic testing methods:
• Pulse-Echo Flaw Detection
• Transmit-Receive Flaw Detection
• Time of flight measurement
• Contact or Immersion Methods
• Angle Beam (Shear Wave) Testing
• Angle Beam (Surface Wave) Testing
• Crack Diffraction Methods
• Depth of Flaw Measurement
• Single Transducer Thickness Measurement
• Dual Transducer Thickness Measurement
• Indirect Measurement of Sound Velocity in Materials
• Time measurement in microseconds
• Phase change display in un-rectified mode
• Through transmission testing
• Creep wave testing
• Pitch and catch techniques


Feature Details
Test Range 0 – 5mm (0.2in) up to 0 – 10,000 mm (400 in.) at steel velocity.
Variable in 1mm &10mm steps
Velocity 1,000 to 9,999m/s continuously variable.
Probe Zero 0 to 999.999 μs, continuously variable.
Delay Calibrated delay from 0 -10,000mm in 0.05 mm steps at steel velocity
(0-400in. in 0.002 in. steps).
Gain 0 to 110dB. Adjustable in 0.5, 1, 2, 6, 10, 14 and 20dB steps. Direct
access to gain control at all times.
Test Modes Pulse echo and transmit/receive.
Pulser -200V square wave pulser. Pulse width from 30 to 250ns duration
linked to filter band. rise/fall times <10ns into 50 ohms
P.R.F Selectable 35 to 100 Hz in 5 Hz steps, 100 to 1,000 in 50Hz steps.
Update Rate 60Hz (NTSC Mode); 50Hz (PAL Mode).
Rectification Full wave, positive or negative halfwave and unrectified rf.
Frequency Range 6 narrow bands centred at1MHz, 2.25MHz, 5MHz and 10MHz. Broad
band at 1.5 MHz to 15MHz (-6dB).
System Linearity Vertical = 1% Full Screen Height (FSH). Amplifier Accuracy ±
0.1dB. Horizontal ±0.4% Full Screen Width (FSW).
Reject 50% linear reject. LED warning light when selected.
Units Metric (mm), inch (in) or time (μs).
Display Colour
Transflective TFT
Display area 111.4 x 83.5 mm (4.39 x 3.29 in) 320 x 240 pixels. AScan Area 255 x 200 pixels (315 x 200 expanded), 8 colour options
and variable brightness.
Gate Monitor Two fully independent gates for echo monitoring and thickness
measurement. Start and width adjustable over full range of unit,

Feature Details
amplitude variable from 0 to 100% FSH. Bar presentation. Positive or
negative triggering for each gate with audible and visual alarms.
Gate Expansion Expands range to width of Gate 1.
Gate Monitor
Selectable 0.6 seconds delay on gate 2 negative monitor tracking.
Mode 1 Signal Monitor
Mode 2 Depth and amplitude of first signal in gate.
Mode 3 Echo-to-Echo distance measurement. (single gate)
Mode 4 Trigonometric display of beam path, surface distance and depth of
indication, curve surface correction and X-OFFSET for probe index.
Half skip indication on screen.
Mode 5 Gate to Gate distance measurement. (Independent gates).
Mode 6 T-Min mode for holding minimum thickness reading.
Resolution 0.01mm (0.001in) for distance measurement or 1% FSH for
amplitude measurement. Large display of measurement at top of AScan display. Measurement mode selectable between peak and flank.
A-Scan Memory 800 waveforms can be printed or transferred to a PC using optional
SDMS software.
Panel Memory 100 stores for retaining calibrations.
Storage for 8,000 thickness readings configured either by
Block/Location/Number mode or pre-programmable work sheets in
sequential mode. Readings can be exported to MS Excel using
optional software.
AGC Automatic Gain Control automatically sets the signal to a level
between 10-90% FSH with tolerance between 5-20% accuracy.

Feature Details
DAC DAC defined by up to 10 points and digitally drawn on screen. DAC
curves meet requirements of EN 1714, JIS and ASME standards,
selectable between -2, -6, -10, -12 and -14dB. Amplitude read out
selectable between % DAC or relative dB.
TCG Time Corrected Gain, also known as Swept Gain. 40dB dynamic
range greater than 30dB per microsecond and up to 10 points may
be used, setting all signals initially to 80% FSH.
AWS Built in software for evaluation of defect indications in accordance
with AWS D1.1 structural weld code.
AVG/DGS Automatic calculation from probe data.
API Flaw sizing complying with API 5UE
Auto-Cal Provides automatic calibration from two echoes.
Clock Sets time and date.
This menu displays a waveform from one of the A-log stores as a
reference or fingerprint display in a colour different from the active
display highlighting differences from the reference.
Notes Alphanumeric labelling for panel and A-log allows the user to enter
Notes for storage with panel settings and A-scans.
Display Freeze For capturing the current A-scan image.
Peak Memory For echo-dynamic pattern determination.
Keylock Prevents accidental alteration of parameters.
Help Key For instant operator guidance on using the Sitescan Series.
Supports 6 simultaneous languages, user selectable.
Gives a smooth signal envelope, simulating analogue equipment.
Outputs Full bi-directional serial interface to transfer parameters, thickness

Feature Details
readings and waveform memories. Composite video, PAL or NTSC
compatibility. Analogue proportional outputs programmable to
distance or amplitude of signal in the gate. Transmitter sync output
Front USB For connection to printers, keyboards and PC.
Printers Supports any printer with PCL support including HP Deskjet and
Power Lithium Ion battery pack 14.4V, 5.0 ampere hours, gives up to 16
hours duration from a fully charged pack. Indication of low battery
status. Recharge time 3-4 hrs.


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