Rigol T2R1000 Active Probe Adaptor for Connecting TekProbe-BNC




Active probe adaptor for connecting TekProbe-BNC probes to a DS6000 or MSO/DS4000
Converts your Tek probes with TekProbe-BNC type connector
Rigol T2R1000 active probe adaptor can be used to connect the TekProbe-BNC level II probe with RIGOL DS6000 series or MSO4000/DS4000 series digital oscilloscope.T2R1000 converts
the TekProbe-BNC interface to RIGOL-Probe interface and supplies power, calibration and DC offset adjustment function for probe.Connection MethodFirstly, connect the probe with
TekProbe-BNC interface to T2R1000. Then, connect the other terminal of T2R1000 to the analog input terminal of the oscilloscope with RIGOL-Probe.Selecting the corresponding
probe model from the oscilloscope menu, the scope will automatically set the input impedance, attention ratio and unit. In additional, connecting the probe input terminal to
ground and selecting self-calibration function from the oscilloscope menu can provide zero offset calibration function for the probes which support calibration function.


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