Sonatest Veo 16:128 With Shipping Cost





The new veo 16:128 enables the end user technician to use 128 probe elements for inspection and makes it possible to connect to larger single probes or multiple probes.


veo 16:128 Huge File Size (3GB) USB key Data Storage WheelProbe Compatible Hot Swap Battery Packs Merged C-Scan Simultaneous TOFD & PA Ray Tracing with Reflection Interface Triggering (TCG/DAC) 16:128 (additional features) Up to 128 probe elements High Power -130 volts Enhanced Multigroup up to 6 concurrent scans A-Scan Stop Mode C-Scan The veo supports traditional ultrasonic testing with mono transducers. The high definition LCD and fast graphics rendering ensure high levels of accuracy and a fast interactive waveform display.

veo 16:128 Accessories
Veo 16:64 on Tripod
Splash Proof USB Keyboard
Waterproof Mouse
Battery Charger
Lithium-Ion Battery pack
UT Studio – Professional edition
Quick Trace Encoder
Rapidscan to veo adapter
DAAH Array probe cable
USB Memory Stick
Phased Array Test Block Steel
Phased Array Test Block Aluminium
Further accessories for the veo are available please see the Veo Series Brochure for further details
Veo Kits
veo & Magman Scanner
veo & Corrosion WheelProbe
veo & Manual TOFD
veo & Manual Weld


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