Rigol ADP0150BNC 50 Ohm Impedance Adapter




50 Ohm impedance adapter for oscilloscopes or generators
50 Ohm Impedance Adapter
For Oscilloscopes or Generators

Rigol ADP0150BNC 50 Ohm Impedance Adapter for Oscilloscopes or GeneratorsWhen working with RF, many circuits are designed to operate with transmission lines with a 50 Ohm
characteristic impedance or a filter with an input / output impedance of 50 ohms. The input impedance of an oscilloscope is typically 1 megohm at the connector. This impedance
mismatch can cause a large numbers of anomalies and artifacts on the measured signal that wouldnt normally be there along with causing inaccurate amplitude measurements.
Providing a 50 Ohm input impedance at a oscilloscope input allows measurements without disturbing the impedance matching of the circuit under test. For example, passive filters
that are designed for 50 Ohm source and load impedance will display drastically different characteristics when terminated with anything other than 50 Ohms.


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