Skyray Instrument EDX-3000




Skyray Instrument EDX-3000
The EDX-3000 is the solution for precious metals (Pd, Pt, Au, Rh, etc) testing needs. It is an inexpensive instrument that will perform all the common jewelry industry related testing with accuracy and speed.
The EDX-3000 was efficiently designed to provide the top-level results at low-expense
Compact Size:
Often times, instrument space is an issue so the EDX-300 instrument was designed to fit in laboratories or offices with limited space
No Liquid Nitrogen Required:SPECIFICATIONS:
PIN-Diode Semiconductor Detector Assembly
Resolution of approximately 150 ev
No liquid nitrogen (LN2) required; save expense and hassle
Chamber of 12″ x 11″ x 4″ fits parts with ease
Color-Camera System; shows your sample with cross-hairs on the computer screen
know for certain that you are measuring the exact spot on your sample that you want to
Bottom-Up measurement system
Element Range: More than 60 elements, from Potassium (K) to Uranium (U)
Measurement substance of solid, liquid or powder
Computer included at no charge; utilizes Windows XP for record keeping and report generation


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