Rigaku Progeny X2


SKU: TEP0010 Category:


Progeny X2? is a portable Raman spectroscopy instrument that performs as two instruments in one platform for enhanced comparative analysis in the laboratory, mobile laboratory or classroom environment. Laboratory Applications?
Set up methods and identify materials Mobile Laboratories?
Get closer to your sample Teaching and Academia?
Conveniently follows your classroom and curriculum Users are empowered to perform rapid qualitative and semi-quantitative analysis and monitor reactions and reduction directly through clear or amber-colored glass.

Battery operated, Progeny X2 is equipped with a dual laser excitation configuration of 785nm and 1064nm giving users the flexibility to achieve optimal sensitivity and reduction of fluorescence interference for specific application needs: 1064nm for highly fluorescent samples, colored materials and measurements through glass containers785nm for non-fluorescent samples that require high sensitivity


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